Saturday 11 January 2014

Rainham Patch List Challenge up and running

Finally managed to get down to Rainham today to kick of my second patch for the Patch List Challenge thingy (Wanstead obviously the more important), and it was sunny!  After I had got over the shock of that I began to enjoy myself.  Starting a new list is like opening a fresh jar of coffee, wonderful, the next time though the magic has gone.

Nothing to brilliant had transpired until I got to the Concrete Barges. There were twenty or so Redshank in the high tide roost.  Hang on that's crap! So I did a little detour to look at the tip, the silts, anything really.  When I came back then it was better.  Better to the tune of 100 Dunlin and 100 more Redshank.  That good!.

Well no, but it did get a bit better when I was told the Spotted Redshank, that usually resides in Kent, was on the river side of the roost.  Positioning myself just so, I could see it sticking out like a sore thumb kind of thing.  Took me the best part of the year to get that sod last year.

With high hopes and a high but receding tide I went the river way. Sod all. My next point of hope was the Serin mound and the possibility of 2 Caspos on the floods.  As if I could pick them out.  Luckily I knew a man who could, and he just happened to stroll up at the point I was forcing myself to look laridwards, and in the time it takes to say "Caspian Gull are really quite interesting", he'd found it.  Hats off to soon to be dad Mr Bradnum.

But I race a ahead of myself. On the way up to the mound a Yellowhammer flew up and over the tip.  Not common round these here parts, it was my first for Rainham.  Sweet!

You may have noticed a lack of slightly out of focus, under/over exposed images.  Correct I lugged the camera around all day without getting it out, apart from to show Mike Messenger the Kittiwake I found on the flats this week.  Couldn't really be arsed and nothing a couple of feet away.

That was about it really.  Ended the day on 72 species, which may or may not be better than previous years, who cares.  Tomorrow I am going with the Wren Group to Abberton, which could be good for birds and if not at least I will try and ask what Wren in this context stands for....

Exciting times.

didn't see any of these

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