Thursday, 15 May 2014

South Korea species list 20/04/2014 - 07/05/2014 (with added media from Stuart and Grant Fisher)

Little Grebe (Daejeon)
Great/Japanese Cormorant
Grey Heron
Great Egret
Little Egret
Eastern Cattle Egret (1 in Deajeon)
Pacific Reef Egret (Busan)
Chinese Pond Heron (1 in Busan)
Striated Heron (Daejeon)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Daejeon)
Black-faced Spoonbill (Gunsan)
Common Shelduck (600+ Gunsan)
Mandarin Duck (Daejeon)
Mallard (Gunsan)
Common Teal (Daejeon/Gunsan)
Eastern Spot-billed Duck (common)
Northern Pintail (Gunsan)
Northern Shoveler (Gunsan)
Common Pochard (Gunsan)
Tufted Duck (Gunsan)
Black-eared Kite (Busan)
Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Daejeon)
unidentified raptor (possibly Grey faced Buzzard (Busan)
Common Kestrel
Hobby (Daejeon)
Peregrine (Gunsan)
Common Pheasant 
Common Moorhen (Daejeon)
Far Eastern Oystercatcher (Gunsan)
Pacific Golden Plover (Gunsan/Incheon Island)
Grey Plover (Gunsan)
Long-billed Plover (Daejeon)

Little Ringed Plover
Kentish Plover (Incheon)
Lesser Sand (Mongolian) Plover (Gunsan)
Common Snipe (Daejeon)
Black-tailed Godwit (Gunsan)
Bar-tailed Godwit (Gunsan/Incheon Is)
Whimbrel  (Gunsan/Incheon Is)
Far Eastern Curlew (Gunsan/Incheon Is)
Spotted Redshank (Gunsan)
Common Greenshank (Gunsan)

Green Sandpiper (Daejeon)
Wood Sandpiper (Daejeon)
Terek Sandpiper (Gunsan)
Common Sandpiper (Daejeon)
Grey-tailed Tattler (Daejeon/Busan)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Gunsan)
Dunlin (Gunsan)
Black-tailed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull (1 imm at Busan)
Vega Gull
Black-headed Gull (Gunsan/Incheon Is)
Little Tern (Gunsan/Incheon Is etc)
Feral Pigeon
Oriental Turtle Dove (common)
Indian Cuckoo (Daejeon)

Oriental Cuckoo (Daejeon)
Oriental Scops Owl (Daejeon - singing outside Grants flat)

Northern Boobook (Daejeon)

Pacific Swift (2 Busan)
Common Kingfisher (Daejeon)

probable Black-capped Kingfisher (Busan)
Dollarbird (2 over cemetery - Daejeon)

Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Great Spotted Woodpecker

White-backed Woodpecker

Grey-headed Woodpecker

Common Skylark
Barn Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
White Wagtail (2 races)
Japanese Wagtail

Grey Wagtail
Olive-backed Pipit

Brown-eared Bulbul

Ashy Minivet (Busan/1 over Daejeon)

Japanese Waxwing (Busan)

Blue Rock Thrush (Busan)
Siberian Thrush (Busan)

White's Thrush

Grey-backed Thrush

Japanese Thrush

Eyebrowed Thrush

Pale Thrush 

Dusky Thrush

Zitting Cisticola
Asian Stubtail

Manchurian Bush Warbler

Japanese Bush Warbler

Oriental Reed Warbler

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

Yellow-browed Warbler

Sakhalin Leaf Wabler (Busan)

Eastern Crowned Warbler

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher

Narcissus Flycatcher
Blue-and-White Flycatcher

Rufous-tailed Robin

Siberian Blue Robin

Daurian Redstart

Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Long-tailed Tit
Coal Tit
Marsh Tit

Varied Tit

Japanese Tit

Chinese Penduline Tit

Eurasian Nuthatch

Japanese White-eye
Black-naped Oriole

Bull-headed Shrike

Eurasian Jay
Common Magpie

Azure winged Magpie

Large-billed Crow

White-cheeked Starling
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Oriental Greenfinch
Hawfinch (Daejeon)
Yellow-throated Bunting

Black-faced Bunting

Pallas's Reed Bunting

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

South Korea part 6

The beginning of the final week saw two days bank holiday, a rare event in South Korea, so I got a chance to go out with Grant again which was great. One of the days was to celebrate Buddha's birthday. However this was probably more of a subdued celebration as the country was still in shock and deep sadness from the recent ferry disaster.
On Tuesday, we went to Gyeryonsang National Park with a colleague of Grants from the University. Beautiful day, lots of people and a lot of climbing. Visited the temple on the way, a very nice day out. We stopped to watch people pay their respects and took in some refreshments.

We could hear quiet a few Blue-and-White Flycatchers and Eastern Crowned Warblers as we walked up into the hills along a steep stony track.

After this and a nice curry it was time for me to catch my coach back to Incheon. I booked a hotel room which turned out to be an apartment next to the airport, it was pretty much 5 star and only cost 50 quid or so! In the morning I went for a walk over some open ground and had a look at some waders on the sea, however, this was near a busy road and an airport security van appeared so I decided to leave, I walked over to an open area with a large reedbed, here there were Skylarks singing, presumably the far eastern race, Kentish Plovers seemed to be on territory plus there was at least one Fan-tailed Warbler, this I didn't recognise at first as the song here is completely different from the song in Europe. Then that was it, I had to catch my plane. The plane was delayed for a hour whilst they fixed the wing or something, but I still managed my connection in Helsinki. It was strange to be back, but even stranger for Grant suddenly not having me at his flat!